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袁登华 教授

袁登华 博士/教授 (硕士生导师、博士生导师)














[1]袁登华, 谢一帆. (2022). 在线品牌社群中负性消费者品牌互动量表开发与检验. 管理评论,3411: 118-132. (人大复印资料F513《市场营销(下半月·理论版)》2023年第4期全文转载)

[2] Denghua Yuan, Zhibin Lin, Raffaele Filieri, Ran Liu, Mengqin Zheng.   (2020). Managing the product-harm crisis in the digital era: The role of   consumer online brand community engagement. Journal of Business Research,   115: 38-47.

[3] 袁登华, 高丽丹. (2020). 社交媒体中的准社会互动与营销效能研究. 外国经济与管理, 42(7): 21-35.

[4] 袁登华, 吴秋林, 朱丽叶. (2020). 微博中品牌拟人化对线上消费者品牌投入的影响. 心理科学, 43(4): 963-968.

[5] Chunyu Li, Yougfu He, Ling Peng, Denghua Yuan. (2019). How   manufacturer brand erosion shapes consumer assortment perceptions. Asia   Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 32(4): 922-939.

[6]朱丽叶,袁登华,郝佳.2018.虚拟品牌社区顾客参与品牌共创对品牌承诺的影响研究.管理学报,15(2): 262-271.

[7]Denghua Yuan, William Wei. (2018). Bauing Construction Holding Group   Co. Ltd.: Going Global. Ivey Publishing. 9B18M187.


[9]袁登华, 吴秋林, William Wei. (2018). 在线品牌社群投入对品牌忠诚的影响. 品牌研究, 20(1): 31-36.

[10]Denghua Yuan, William Wei. (2017). Branding BY-HEALTH: The Value of   Transparency. Ivey Publishing. 9B17M126.

[11] 朱丽叶, 袁登华, 张静宣. (2017). 在线用户评论质量与评论者等级对消费者购买意愿的影响——产品卷入度的调节作用. 管理评论, 29(2): 87-96.

[12]Denghua Yuan, Geng Cui, Lei Lai. (2016). Sorry seems to be the hardest   word: consumer reactions to self-attributions by firms apologizing for a   brand crisis, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33(4): 281-291.

[13]Denghua Yuan, Zhibin Lin, Ran Zhuo. (2016). What drives consumer   knowledge sharing in online travel communities?: Personal attributes or   e-service factors? Computers in Human Behavior, 63: 68-74.

[14]袁登华,王琦,朱丽叶. (2016). 品牌推崇研究述评. 外国经济与管理, 38(3): 61-72.

[15]Denghua Yuan, Robert Keith Shaw. (2014). The concept of brand   insecurity & its measurement for ISO 10668 valuations. Journal of   financial risk management, 3: 177-184.

[16]袁登华,付春江,罗嗣明. (2014). 品牌印象形成与改变的双重加工模型检验. 心理学报, 46(10): 1534-1548.

[17]Yimo Shen, Todd Jackson, Cody Ding, Denghua Yuan, Lei Zhao, Yunlai   Dou, Qinglin Zhang. (2014). Linking perceived organizational support with   employee work outcomes in a Chinese context: Organizational identification as   a mediator. European Management Journal, 32, 406-412.

[18]付春江, 袁登华, 罗嗣明. (2013). 品牌来源国刻板印象的双重表现及其改变. 心理科学, 36(3): 606-611.

[19] 付春江, 袁登华, 罗嗣明. (2013). 品牌印象结构及其测量研究. 心理学探新, 33(1): 87- 95. (人大复印资料2013年第7期《心理学》全文转载)

[20] 朱丽叶, 袁登华. (2013). 品牌象征价值如何影响消费者溢价支付意愿——性别和产品可见性的调节作用. 当代财经, 343(6): 66-76.

[21]袁登华, 杨双. (2012). 品牌印象研究述评. 心理科学, 35(4): 957-961.

[22]Yuan Denghua; Lei Lai; Mei Xiao. (2012). Impact of the attribution   pattern of a company’s statement about brand crisis on brand credibility.   International Journal of Psychology, 47(1): 172-173.

[23]袁登华, 杨双, 肖玫. (2012). 品牌不安全感的危害机制与化解策略. 心理科学进展, 20(9): 1337-1346.

[24]袁登华, 罗嗣明, 付春江, 谢应勤. (2010). 广告干预对消费者品牌态度和信任的影响.心理学报, 42(6): 715-726.

[25]吴新辉, 袁登华. (2010). 适应性绩效:一个尚需深入研究的领域. 心理科学进展, 18(2): 339-347.

[26]蒋琳锋, 袁登华. (2009).个人主动性的研究现状与展望. 心理科学进展, 17(1): 165-171.

[27]袁登华, 罗嗣明, 叶金辉. (2009). 内隐品牌态度与外显品牌态度分离研究. 心理科学, 32(6):1298-1301.

[28]袁登华. (2009). 品牌忠诚和品牌转换的心理动因探讨.心理科学,32(1):130-133.

[29]袁登华, 罗嗣明, 唐春燕, 江丽英. (2008). 品牌信任的前因后果驱动机制研究.心理科学, 31(6):1334-1338.

[30]余琼, 袁登华.2008. 员工及其管理者的情绪智力对员工工作绩效的影响.心理学报,40(1): 74-83.

[31]沈伊默, 袁登华. (2007). 心理契约破坏感对员工工作态度与行为的影响. 心理学报, 39(1): 155-162.

[32]袁登华, 罗嗣明, 李游. (2007). 品牌信任结构及其测量研究. 心理学探新, 27(3):81-86.

[33]沈伊默, 袁登华. (2006). 心理契约破坏研究现状与展望. 心理科学进展, 14(6): 912-917.

[34]邢周凌, 袁登华. (2006). 企业薪酬文化的理论构想. 国有资产管理, 179(2): 56-58.

[35]朱龙飞, 袁登华. (2006). 面向对象思想在企业职务动态管理中的应用. 求索, 161(1): 82-84.

[36]袁登华, 王重鸣. (2005). 目标激励对创业行动效能影响的情景模拟. 心理学报, 37(6): 812-818.

[37]袁登华. (2005). 成就目标导向对创业行动效能的影响研究. 心理科学, 28(6): 1388-1392.

[38]秦磊, 袁登华. (2005). 概化理论在绩效评估中的应用. 心理科学, 28(3): 650-651.

[39]袁登华. (2005). 基于员工生涯价值的组织与员工双向忠诚管理. 经济管理, 19: 60-62.

[40]袁登华. (2004). 国外目标承诺研究进展. 心理科学, 27(5): 1278-1279.

[41]Yuan Denghua. (2004). Research on Brand Loyalty Structure and its   Psychological Mechanism. International Journal of Psychology, 39(5-6):   256-257.

[42] 袁登华. (2003). 基于顾客生涯价值的品牌管理思路. 商业研究, 7: 9-11.

[43] 袁登华,王重鸣. (2002). 品牌转化为核心竞争力的障碍与出路. 商业研究, 7:50-51.

[44] 袁登华. (2000). 品牌建设的心理机制及营销策略. 心理学探新, 20(2): 59-63.

[45] 袁登华. (1999). 劲王野战饮料定位策略评析. 江西社会科学, 11: 11-12.

[46] 袁登华. (1997). 论品牌形象定位与产品生命周期. 中国广告, 6: 11-12.

[47] 袁登华. (1997). 关于产品认知价值的探讨. 江西师范大学学报, 30(4): 46-49. (人大复印资料1998年第2期《工业企业管理》全文转载)

[48] 袁登华. (1996). 幼儿个别教育计划构想. 江西师范大学学报, 29(2): 39-42. (人大复印资料1997年第1期《幼儿教育》全文转载)

[49] 袁登华. (1996). 积极诱因和消极诱因的广告效应. 国际广告, 6: 37.

[50] 袁登华. (1995). 化整为零的遗憾. 行为科学, 5: 41.

[51] 袁登华. (1995). 攻心战术, “润物无声. 行为科学, 6: 26.

[52] 袁登华. (1993). 关于化企业形象的心理策略初探. 江西师范大学学报, 26(4):146-150.

[53] 袁登华. (1992). 关于企业形象的心理学探讨. 江西师范大学学报, 25(2): 82-86.

[54] 袁登华. (1992). 传播企业信息的心理策略初探. 行为科学, 4:37-38.

[55] 袁登华. (1992). 关于影响企业形象的核心要素的调查研究. 社会心理研究, 3:22-26.

[56] 袁登华. (1992). 设计企业标志的心理学原则. 大众心理学, 3:29-30. (人大复印资料1992年第5期《心理学》全文转载)

[57] 袁登华. (1990). 教育实验设计的程序化思路. 教育研究实验, 1:60-65.

[58] 袁登华. (1989). “学习失能儿童研究. 教育研究实验, 1:27-31.

[59]Yuan Denghua, Chen Qiyun, Cai Jingwen. (1988). The Influence of the   Mode of Presentation on the Cognition of Chinese Characters by Mildly   Mentally Handicapped Children. International Conference on Special Education,   June 28-30, Beijing, China.

[60] 袁登华. (1985). 奖惩对学习的作用. 心理学短波, 3:38.



[1] 主持国家自然科学基金资助项目互联网背景下消费者品牌投入的心理机制与管理策略研究(项目批准号:71771060),面上项目。立项时间为2017816日,研究期限为20181月至202112月。

[2] 主持国家自然科学基金资助项目基于品牌心智理论的品牌不安全感危害机制与化解策略研究(项目批准号:71171063),面上项目。立项时间为2011816日,研究期限为20121月至201512月。

[3] 主持国家自然科学基金资助项目基于印象形成理论的品牌印象管理研究(项目批准号:70971058),面上项目。立项时间为200998日,研究期限为201001月至201212月。

[4] 主持国家自然科学基金资助项目基于双重态度理论的品牌信任机制研究(项目批准号:70571031),面上项目(自由申请项目),立项时间为2005922日,研究期限为200601月至200812月。

[5] 主持中国博士后科学基金项目品牌忠诚结构及其心理机制研究2005038432),研究期限为200601月至200812月。

[6] 主持广东省教育厅创新团队项目基于消费者行为的品牌管理研究2015WCXTD007),研究期限为201601月至202012月。

[7] 主持广州市企业经理人才评价推荐中心委托的横向课题公开选拔、竞争上岗工作规范程序及考试与考察相结合问题研究2010/09—2010/12)。


[9] 20032004年,参与了国家自然科学基金重点项目基于人与组织多层互动匹配的企业家成长机制与创业环境(项目编号:70232010)。

[10] 20042006年,参与中共中央组织部领导干部考试与测评中心项目党政领导干部行为情景判断自适应测验开发编制研究(项目编号:ZKY200401)的实证研究。











































Yuan Denghua (Professor, Ph.D)

Personal Information

Name: Yuan Denghua

Gender: Male



Research   Direction

Consumer Psychology and Brand Management; Organizational Behavior and   Human Resource management

Education   Background

-1981 - 1985 Dept. of Education of Jiangxi Normal University, Bachelor   of Education

-1988 - 1991 Dept. of Psychology of Central China Normal University,   M.A.in Psychology

-2001 - 2004 School of Psychology of ZheJiang University, Ph D.



7/1985—8/2010: Teaching in the School of Psychology of Jiangxi Normal   University

9/2010—present: Teaching in the School of Business of Guangdong   University of Foreign Studies

Academic Papers

Yuan Denghua., & Xie Yifan. (2022). Scale Development and   Validation of Negative Consumer Brand Engagement in Online Brand Community. Management   Review, 34(11): 118-132.

Denghua Yuan, Zhibin Lin, Raffaele Filieri, Ran Liu, Mengqin Zheng.   (2020). Managing the product-harm crisis in the digital era: The role of   consumer online brand community engagement. Journal of Business   Research, 115: 38-47.

Yuan Denghua., & Gao, Lidan. (2020). Para-social Interaction in   social Media and Its Marketing Effectiveness. Foreign Economics &   Management, 42(7): 21-35.

Yuan Denghua, Wu Qiulin, Zhu Liye. (2020). The Impact of Brand   Anthropomorphism on Online Consumer Brand Engagement: A Mediated Test. Journal   of Psychological Science, 43(4): 963-968.

Chunyu Li, Yougfu He, Ling Peng, Denghua Yuan. (2019). How manufacturer   brand erosion shapes consumer assortment perceptions. Asia Pacific   Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 32(4): 922-939.

Denghua Yuan, William Wei. (2018). Bauing Construction Holding Group Co.   Ltd.: Going Global. Ivey Publishing. 9B18M187.

Zhu Liye, Yuan Denghua, & Hao Jia. (2018). Research on the effect   of customer engagement in brand co-creation on brand commitment in virtual   brand community—The mediating effects of brand experience. Chinese   Journal of Management, 15(2) : 262-271.

Denghua Yuan, William Wei. (2017). Branding BY-HEALTH: The Value of   Transparency. Ivey Publishing. 9B17M126.

Denghua Yuan, Zhibin Lin, & Ran Zhuo. (2016). What drives consumer   knowledge sharing in online travel communities?:Personal attributes or   e-service factors? Computers in Human Behavior, 63: 68-74.

Denghua Yuan, Geng Cui, & Lei Lai. (2016). Sorry seems to be the   hardest wordconsumer reactions to   self-attributions by firms apologizing for a brand crisis. Journal of   consumer marketing, 33(4): 281-291.

Denghua Yuan, & Robert Keith Shaw. (2014). The Concept of Brand   Insecurity & Its Measurement for ISO 10668 Valuations. Journal of   Financial Risk Management, 3: 177-184.

Yuan Denghua.(2004). Research on brand loyalty structure and its   psychological mechanism. International Journal of Psychology, 39(5-6).

Yuan Denghua,Yu Qiong.(2008). The impact of the emotional intelligence   of employees and their manager on the job performance of employees. International   Journal of Psychology, 43(3-4).

Bi Zhenli, Yuan Denghua.(2011). Dimensions and differences of post   purchase----An analysis based on different consumption situations. Soft   Science, 25(8), 139-144.

Yuan Denghua, Luo Siming, Fu Chunjiang, Xie Yingqin. (2010). Impact of   Advertising Intervention on Consumer’s Brand Attitude and Trust. Acta   Psychologica Sinica, 42(6),715-726.

Shen Yimo, Yuan Denghua, Zhang Hua, Yang Dong, Zhang Jinfu, Zhang   Qinglin. (2009). The impacts of perceived organizational support and perceived   external prestige on organizational citizenship behavior: Organizational   identification as mediator and need for self-esteem as moderator. Acta   Psychologica Sinica, 41(12), 1215-1227.

Yuan Denghua, Wang Zhongming. (2005). A situational simulated experiment   on the impact of goal motivation on entrepreneurial action effectiveness. Acta   Psychologica Sinica, 37(6), 812- 818.

Shen Yimo, Yuan Denghua. (2007). The Impact of Psychological Contract   Breach on the Work-Related Attitude and Behavior of employees. Acta   Psychologica Sinica, 39(1), 155-162.

Yuan Denghua, Luo Siming, Ye Jinhui. (2009). Research on the Separation   between Implicit Brand Attitude and Explicit Brand Attitude. Psychological   Science, 32(6), 1298-1301.

Yuan Denghua. (2009). A Research on Motivation for Brand Loyalty and   Brand Switching. Psychological Science, 32(1), 130-133.

Yuan Denghua, Luo Siming, Tang Chunyan, Jiang Liying. (2008). A   research on the driving mechanism of the cause and effect of brand   trust. Psychological Science, 31(6), 1334-1338.

Yuan Denghua. (2007). A review and outlook on the research on brand   trust. Psychological Science, 30(2), 434-437.

Yuan Denghua, Luo Siming, Li You. (2007). Research on the Structure of   Brand Trust and its Measurement. Psychological Exploration, 27(3),   81-86.

Yuan Denghua. (2000). Psycho-mechanism of brand building and marketing   strategies. Psychological Exploration, 20(2), 59-63.

Qin Lei, Yuan Denghua. (2005). Applying generalizability theory to the   performance assessment. Psychological Science, 28(3), 650-651.

Yuan Denghua. (2005). Research on the impact of achievement goal   orientation on the effectiveness of entrepreneurial action. Psychological   Science, 28(6), 1388-1392.

Yuan Denghua. (2004). Development on goal commitment in overseas   research. Psychological Science, 27(5), 1278-1279.

Yuan Denghua. (2002). The procedure of the design of psychological   experiments. Psychological Science, 25(3), 300-302.

Yuan Denghua. (2005). Management of Bi-Loyalty between Organization and   Employees Based on the Lifetime-Value of the Latter. Economic   Management, 19, 60-62.

Jiang Linfeng, Yuan Denghua. (2009). Review and prospect on the   Research of Personal Initiative. Advances in Psychological Science,   17(1), 165-171.

Wu Xinhui, Yuan Denghua.(2009). To Build and Measure the Brand   Associations of Consumer. Advances in Psychological Science, 17(2),   451-459.

Wu Xinhui; Yuan Denghua.(2010). Adaptive performance: a domain remains   to be further studied. Advances in Psychological Science, 18(2),   339-347.

Shen Yimo, Yuan Denghua. (2006). Review on Psychological Contract   Breach. Advances in Psychological Science, 14(6), 912-917.

Yuan Denghua. (1997). Research on the product cognitive value. Journal   of Jiangxi Normal University (Social Sciences), 30(4), 46-49.

Scientific   Research Projects

Yuan Denghua (2018-2021). Research on the psychological mechanism of   consumer brand engagement and management strategy in the context of internet   funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Yuan Denghua (2012-2015). Research on the Damage Mechanism and Dissolve   Strategy of Brand Insecurity Based on Brand Mind Theory funded by the   National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Yuan Denghua (2010-2012). Research on Brand Impression Management based   on Impression Formation Theory funded by the National Natural Science   Foundation of China.

Yuan Denghua (2006-2008). Research on Brand Trust Mechanism Based on   the Model of Dual Attitude funded by the National Natural Science Foundation   of China.


Academic Position

Vice President of the Research Association of Human Resource Management   of Guangdong Province


Academic Position

Vice President of the Research Association of Human Resource Management   of Guangdong Province


1. Research on the effect of goal motivation on entrepreneurial action   efficacy (Series of papers), Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2005, no.6, won the   first prize of the 12th Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award of   Jiangxi Province. Award department: Jiangxi Federation of Social Science,   Award time: July 2007.

2. Research on brand Trust Structure and Its Cause and Effect Driving   Mechanism (Series of papers), Psychological Science, 2008 (6), won the second   prize of the 13th Jiangxi Provincial Social Science Outstanding Achievements.   Award department: Jiangxi Federation of Social Science, Award time: September   2009. Jiangxi Federation of Social Sciences [2009] No.19 article



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