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陈晓 副教授

陈晓 副教授










本科:20079-20117月,广东外语外贸大学, 计算机科学与技术专业


20193月至今,广东外语外贸大学商学院, 云山青年学者





1. Peng, J., Nie, Q., Chen, X.*, & Zhang, Z. (2023). Congruence in   positive implicit followership theories, relational identification, and job performance: The   moderating role of uncertainty avoidance. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-20. (*通讯作者; SSCI 三区)

2. Zhang, X., Lin, Z., Chen, X., Zhang, Z., & Liu, D. M. (2023).   Leaderfollower congruence in   psychological capital: effects on LMX and turnover intention. Leadership   & Organization Development Journal. (*通讯作者; SSCI 三区)

3. 陈晓, 张慧莹, & 谢俊. 愿景型领导对助人行为的影响: 组织心理所有权的中介作用和促进性焦点的调节作用. 心理研究, 16(6), 525-535.

4. 陈晓,张兴贵 & 张志杰.(2023).挑战性工作要求何时提升人岗匹配?基于工作要求-资源匹配的视角. 中国人力资源开发(05),37-50.

5. Yang, H., Lin, Z., Chen, X.*, & Peng, J. (2023). Workplace loneliness,   ego depletion and cyberloafing: can leader problem-focused interpersonal   emotion management help?. Internet Research, 33(4), 1473-1494. (*通讯作者;   SSCI 一区)

6. Peng, J., Nie, Q., & Chen, X*. (2023). Managing hospitality   employee cyberloafing: The role of empowering leadership. International   Journal of Hospitality Management. (*通讯作者; SSCI 一区)


7. Nie, Q., Chen, X*., & Yu, G. (2022). Linking workplace loneliness   to workplace territoriality: a self-protection perspective. International Journal of Conflict   Management, 34(2), 299-316. (*通讯作者; SSCI )

8. 陈晓, 谢彬, 彭坚, & 聂琦. (2022). 职场孤独感的形成原因与作用机理: 基于调节匹配理论视角. 心理科学进展, 30(7), 1463. (CSSCI)


9. Chen, X., Peng, J., Lei, X., & Zou, Y. (2021). Leave or stay with a lonely leader? An investigation   into whether, why, and when leader   workplace loneliness increases team turnover intentions. Asian Business & Management, 1-24. (第一作者;SSCI 二区)

10. Nie, Q., Zhang, J., Peng, J.,   & Chen, X. (2021). Daily micro-break activities and workplace well-being: A recovery perspective.   Current Psychology, 1-14. (SSCI 一区)

11. Peng, J., Chen, X., Zou, Y., & Nie, Q. (2021). Environmentally specific   transformational leadership and team pro-environmental behaviors: The roles of pro-environmental goal   clarity, pro-environmental harmonious   passion, and power distance. Human Relations, 74(11), 1864-1888. (SSCI 一区 FT50)


12. Wang, H. J., Chen, X+., & Lu, C. Q. (2020). When career dissatisfaction leads to   employee job crafting: The role of job social support and occupational self-efficacy. Career Development International. (共同第一作者;SSCI 二区)

13. Peng, J., Chen, X.*, Nie, Q., & Wang, Z. (2020). Proactive personality congruence   and creativity: a leader identification perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology. (*通讯作者; SSCI 二区)

14. Zhang, X., Lin, Z., Liu, Y.,   Chen, X.*, & Liu, D. M. (2020).   How do human resource management practices affect employee well-being? A mediated moderation model.   Employee Relations, 42(4), 903-919. (*通讯作者; SSCI 三区)


15. Yang J, Zhang W, & Chen X*   (2019) Why Do Leaders Express   Humility and How Does This 人力资源管理、人力资源信息化、战略管理、人力资源业务合作伙伴、领导力与创新创业、领导科学、跨文化商务沟通、组织行为学Matter: A Rational Choice Perspective. Frontiers in psychology. (*通讯作者; SSCI 二区)

16. Chen, X., Liao, J., Wu, W., & Zhang, W. (2017). Perceived Insider Status and Feedback Reactions: A   Dual Path of Feedback Motivation   Attribution. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 668. (第一作者;SSCI 二区)

17. Peng, J., Wang, Z., & Chen,   X*. (2018). Does Self-Serving   Leadership Hinder Team Creativity? A Moderated Dual-Path Model. Journal of Business Ethics. (通讯作者; SSCI   一区 FT50)

18. Liu, W., Mao, J., & Chen,   X. (2017). Leader humility and team   innovation: investigating the substituting role of task interdependence and the mediating   role of team voice climate. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1115. (SSCI 二区)

19. 王晨光, 陈晓*, & 廖建桥. (2017). 反馈反应的相关研究述评与展望. 中国人力资源开发,   (5), 57-68. (通讯作者,CSSCI)

20. 刘涛, 陈晓*, & 廖建桥. (2017). 建设性批评和破坏性批评对个体心理健康影响的实验研究. 中国人力资源开发,   (7), 59-71.(通讯作者,CSSCI)

21. 张寒冰, 叶茂林, & 陈晓*. (2017). 牺牲小我, 成就大我: 自我牺牲型领导研究述评. 中国人力资源开发,(2),41-51 (通讯作者,CSSCI)


1. 职场孤独感的预防与应对机制研究:调节匹配理论的研究视角,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2021-2023,主持人

2. 数字化转型背景下员工网络闲散行为的预防与治理研究 广州市科技局基础与应用基础研究专题 2024-2025,主持人

3. 资质过剩员工的人际适应问题研究, 广东外语外贸大学校级科研项目,2019-2021,主持人


1. 人力资源管理

2. 人力资源信息化

3. 战略管理

4. 人力资源业务合作伙伴

5. 领导力与创新创业(全英授课)

6. 领导科学

7. 跨文化商务沟通(全英授课)

8. 组织行为学(全英授课)


中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)注册会员、《中国人力资源开发》,《Current Psychology》;《Asian Business & Management》;《Internet   Research》等期刊匿名审稿人


2019年度 “优秀科研业绩奖” 广东外语外贸大学 二等奖(校级)

2020年度 “优秀科研业绩奖” 广东外语外贸大学 二等奖(校级)

Personal Information

Name: Xiao Chen   (Associate Professor)

Gender: Female


Research Direction

Organizational   Behavior, Leadership studies, Human resource Management

Education Background

PhD: September 2014-December 2018, Huazhong University of Science and   Technology, Major of Business Administration

Master's Degree: September 2011 -- July 2014, Developmental and   Educational Psychology, South China Normal University

Bachelor's Degree: September 2007 -- July 2011, Guangdong University of   Foreign Studies, major in Computer Science and Technology



2019.3 - now School of Business,   Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

2020.6 – now University-level key   base: Assistant Director of Leadership Empowerment and Organizational   Development ( LEO ) Research Center

Academic Papers

Year   2023

1. Peng, J., Nie, Q., Chen, X.*, & Zhang, Z. (2023). Congruence in   positive implicit followership theories, relational identification, and job performance: The   moderating role of uncertainty avoidance. Journal of Management &   Organization, 1-20. (*Corresponding author; SSCI)

2. Zhang, X., Lin, Z., Chen, X., Zhang, Z., & Liu, D. M. (2023).   Leaderfollower congruence in   psychological capital: effects on LMX and turnover intention. Leadership   & Organization Development Journal.  (*Corresponding author; SSCI)

3. Chen, X., Zhang, H., & Xie, J. (2023).Visionary leadership and   interpersonal helping behavior The mediating role of organizational psychological ownership and the   moderating role promotion focus. Psychological Research, 16(6), 525-535.

4. Chen, X, Zhang X.G & Zhang Z. J.(2023).When Challenge Job Demands   Increase Person-job Fit? A Job Demands-resources Fit Perspective. Human   Resources Development Of China, (05),37-50.(CSSCI)

5. Yang, H., Lin, Z., Chen, X.*, & Peng, J. (2023). Workplace   loneliness, ego depletion and cyberloafing: can leader problem-focused interpersonal emotion   management help?. Internet Research, 33(4), 1473-1494.(*Corresponding author;   SSCI)

6. Peng, J., Nie, Q., & Chen, X*. (2023). Managing hospitality   employee cyberloafing: The role of empowering leadership. International   Journal of Hospitality Management. (*Corresponding author; SSCI)

Year   2022

7. Nie, Q., Chen, X*., & Yu, G. (2022). Linking workplace loneliness   to workplace territoriality: a self-protection perspective. International   Journal of Conflict Management, 34(2), 299-316. (*Corresponding author; SSCI)

8. Chen, X., Xie, B., Peng, J., & Nie, Q. (2022). The antecedents and   consequences of workplace loneliness: A regulatory focus theory perspective.   Advances in Psychological Science, 30(7), 1463. (CSSCI)

Year   2021

9. Chen, X., Peng, J., Lei, X., & Zou, Y. (2021). Leave or stay with a   lonely leader? An investigation into whether, why, and when leader workplace   loneliness increases team turnover intentions. Asian Business &   Management, 1-24. (SSCI)

10. Nie, Q., Zhang, J., Peng, J., & Chen, X. (2021). Daily micro-break   activities and workplace well-being: A recovery perspective. Current   Psychology, 1-14. (SSCI)

11. Peng, J., Chen, X., Zou, Y., & Nie, Q. (2021). Environmentally   specific transformational leadership and team pro-environmental behaviors:   The roles of pro-environmental goal clarity, pro-environmental harmonious   passion, and power distance. Human Relations, 74(11), 1864-1888. (SSCI, FT50 Journal)

Year 2020

12. Wang, H. J., Chen, X., & Lu, C. Q. (2020). When career   dissatisfaction leads to employee job crafting: The role of job social   support and occupational self-efficacy. Career Development International. Co-first author SSCI

13. Peng, J., Chen, X.*, Nie, Q., & Wang, Z. (2020). Proactive   personality congruence and creativity: a leader identification perspective.   Journal of Managerial Psychology. (*Corresponding author; SSCI )

14. Zhang, X., Lin, Z., Liu, Y., Chen, X.*, & Liu, D. M. (2020). How do   human resource management practices affect employee well-being? A mediated   moderation model. Employee Relations, 42(4), 903-919. (*Corresponding author;   SSCI)

Year   2019 and before

15. Yang J, Zhang W, & Chen X* (2019) Why Do Leaders Express Humility   and How Does This Matter: A Rational Choice Perspective. Frontiers in   psychology. (*Corresponding author; SSCI)

16. Chen, X., Liao, J., Wu, W., & Zhang, W. (2017). Perceived Insider   Status and Feedback Reactions: A Dual   Path of Feedback Motivation Attribution. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 668.   (SSCI)

17. Peng, J., Wang, Z., & Chen, X*. (2018). Does Self-Serving   Leadership Hinder Team Creativity? A Moderated Dual-Path Model. Journal of   Business Ethics. (*Corresponding author; SSCI)

18. Liu, W., Mao, J., & Chen, X. (2017). Leader humility and team   innovation: investigating the substituting role of task interdependence and   the mediating role of team voice climate. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1115. (*Corresponding   author; SSCI)

19. Wang, C.G., Chen, X. *, & Liao, J.Q. (2017). A literature review of   feedback reactions. Human Resources Development Of China, (5), 57-68.   (*Corresponding authorCSSCI)

20. Liu Tao, Chen, X.*, & Liao J.Q. (2017). An experimental study on   the effect of constructive criticism and destructive criticism on individual   psychological health. Human Resources Development Of China, (7),   59-71.(*Corresponding authorCSSCI)

21. Zhang, H. B., Ye M. L., & Chen, X. *. (2017). Self-Sacrifice Make   Me Great: A Literature Review of Self-Sacrificial Leadership Human Resources Development Of   China,(2),41-51 (*Corresponding authorCSSCI)

Scientific Research Projects

1. Preventing and coping with workplace loneliness: A theoretical   perspective of regulatory fit theory, National Natural Science Foundation of   China, 2021-2023

2. Research on the Prevention and Governance of Employee Cyberloafing   Behavior in the Context of Digital Transformation Guangzhou municipal science   and technology bureau Basic and Applied Basic Research Special, 2024-2025

3. Research on Interpersonal   Adaptation Issues of Overqualified Employees, Guangdong University of Foreign   Studies Research Funds, 2019-2021

Courses Taught

1. Human Resource   Management;

2. Informational Human   Resource Management;

3. Strategic Management;  

4. Human Resource   Business Partners;

5. Leadership,   Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Instructed in English);

6. Science of   Leadership;

7. Cross-Cultural   Business Communication (Instructed in English);

8. Organizational   Behavior (Instructed in English)

Academic Post

Anonymous reviewers   for journals of Current Psychology, Asian Business & Management, Internet   Research, Human Resources Development Of China


2019 Annual   "Outstanding Research Achievement Award" - Guangdong University of   Foreign Studies - Second Prize (University-Level)

2020 Annual   "Outstanding Research Achievement Award" - Guangdong University of   Foreign Studies - Second Prize (University-Level)

上一条:谢俊 教授
