Academic Papers |
Year 2023 1. Peng, J., Nie, Q., Chen, X.*, & Zhang, Z. (2023). Congruence in positive implicit followership theories, relational identification, and job performance: The moderating role of uncertainty avoidance. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-20. (*Corresponding author; SSCI) 2. Zhang, X., Lin, Z., Chen, X., Zhang, Z., & Liu, D. M. (2023). Leader–follower congruence in psychological capital: effects on LMX and turnover intention. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. (*Corresponding author; SSCI) 3. Chen, X., Zhang, H., & Xie, J. (2023).Visionary leadership and interpersonal helping behavior: The mediating role of organizational psychological ownership and the moderating role promotion focus. Psychological Research, 16(6), 525-535. 4. Chen, X, Zhang X.G & Zhang Z. J.(2023).When Challenge Job Demands Increase Person-job Fit? A Job Demands-resources Fit Perspective. Human Resources Development Of China, (05),37-50.(CSSCI) 5. Yang, H., Lin, Z., Chen, X.*, & Peng, J. (2023). Workplace loneliness, ego depletion and cyberloafing: can leader problem-focused interpersonal emotion management help?. Internet Research, 33(4), 1473-1494.(*Corresponding author; SSCI) 6. Peng, J., Nie, Q., & Chen, X*. (2023). Managing hospitality employee cyberloafing: The role of empowering leadership. International Journal of Hospitality Management. (*Corresponding author; SSCI) Year 2022 7. Nie, Q., Chen, X*., & Yu, G. (2022). Linking workplace loneliness to workplace territoriality: a self-protection perspective. International Journal of Conflict Management, 34(2), 299-316. (*Corresponding author; SSCI) 8. Chen, X., Xie, B., Peng, J., & Nie, Q. (2022). The antecedents and consequences of workplace loneliness: A regulatory focus theory perspective. Advances in Psychological Science, 30(7), 1463. (CSSCI) Year 2021 9. Chen, X., Peng, J., Lei, X., & Zou, Y. (2021). Leave or stay with a lonely leader? An investigation into whether, why, and when leader workplace loneliness increases team turnover intentions. Asian Business & Management, 1-24. (SSCI) 10. Nie, Q., Zhang, J., Peng, J., & Chen, X. (2021). Daily micro-break activities and workplace well-being: A recovery perspective. Current Psychology, 1-14. (SSCI) 11. Peng, J., Chen, X., Zou, Y., & Nie, Q. (2021). Environmentally specific transformational leadership and team pro-environmental behaviors: The roles of pro-environmental goal clarity, pro-environmental harmonious passion, and power distance. Human Relations, 74(11), 1864-1888. (SSCI, FT50 Journal) Year 2020 12. Wang, H. J., Chen, X., & Lu, C. Q. (2020). When career dissatisfaction leads to employee job crafting: The role of job social support and occupational self-efficacy. Career Development International. (Co-first author SSCI) 13. Peng, J., Chen, X.*, Nie, Q., & Wang, Z. (2020). Proactive personality congruence and creativity: a leader identification perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology. (*Corresponding author; SSCI ) 14. Zhang, X., Lin, Z., Liu, Y., Chen, X.*, & Liu, D. M. (2020). How do human resource management practices affect employee well-being? A mediated moderation model. Employee Relations, 42(4), 903-919. (*Corresponding author; SSCI) Year 2019 and before 15. Yang J, Zhang W, & Chen X* (2019) Why Do Leaders Express Humility and How Does This Matter: A Rational Choice Perspective. Frontiers in psychology. (*Corresponding author; SSCI) 16. Chen, X., Liao, J., Wu, W., & Zhang, W. (2017). Perceived Insider Status and Feedback Reactions: A Dual Path of Feedback Motivation Attribution. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 668. (SSCI) 17. Peng, J., Wang, Z., & Chen, X*. (2018). Does Self-Serving Leadership Hinder Team Creativity? A Moderated Dual-Path Model. Journal of Business Ethics. (*Corresponding author; SSCI) 18. Liu, W., Mao, J., & Chen, X. (2017). Leader humility and team innovation: investigating the substituting role of task interdependence and the mediating role of team voice climate. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1115. (*Corresponding author; SSCI) 19. Wang, C.G., Chen, X. *, & Liao, J.Q. (2017). A literature review of feedback reactions. Human Resources Development Of China, (5), 57-68. (*Corresponding author,CSSCI) 20. Liu Tao, Chen, X.*, & Liao J.Q. (2017). An experimental study on the effect of constructive criticism and destructive criticism on individual psychological health. Human Resources Development Of China, (7), 59-71.(*Corresponding author,CSSCI) 21. Zhang, H. B., Ye M. L., & Chen, X. *. (2017). Self-Sacrifice Make Me Great: A Literature Review of Self-Sacrificial Leadership Human Resources Development Of China,(2),41-51 (*Corresponding author,CSSCI) |