学术论文 |
主要论文成果: [1] Xie, J., Huang, Q., Yan, M., & Liang, Y. It’s Tough to Detach from Gossip: The Impact of Perceived Negative Workplace Gossip on Life Satisfaction. Journal of Business and Psychology (ABS 3), 2023. [2] Xie, J., Huang, Q., Zhang, H.Y., Zhang, Y. & Chen, K.Y. Bottom-Line Pursuits Invade Your Family: The Spillover Effect of Supervisor Bottom-Line Mentality on Employee Work-to-Family Conflict. International Journal of Conflict Management, 2022. [3] Xie, J., Yan, M., Liang, Y., & Huang, Q. Why and When Negative Workplace Gossip Inhibits Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Management Communication Quarterly, 2022. [4] Xie, J., Huang, Q., Wang, H., & Shen, M. Perish in gossip? Nonlinear effects of perceived negative workplace gossip on job performance. Personnel Review, 2020, 49(2), 389-405. [5] Xie, J., Huang, Q., Wang, H., & Shen, M. Coping with negative workplace gossip: The roles of self-monitoring and impression management. Personality and Individual Differences (ABS 3), 2019, 151(1). [6] Wang, H.B, Zhang, H.Y, Xie, J (通讯作者), & Zheng, J. Seeing the Big Picture During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Spillover Effects of Visionary Leadership on Employees’ Work-to-Family Conflict. Current Psychology, 2022, [7] Zhang, Y., Huang, Q., Chen, H.J., & Xie, J (通讯作者). The mixed blessing of supervisor bottom-line mentality: examining the moderating role of gender. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2021, 42(8), 1153-1167. [8] Zhang, Y., Zhang, H.Y, Xie. J. (通讯作者), & Yang, S.C. Coping with Supervisor Bottom-Line Mentality: The Mediating Role of Job Insecurity and the Moderating Role of Supervisory Power. Current Psychology, 2021. [9] Zhang, Y., He, B., Huang, Q., & Xie, J. (通讯作者). Effects of supervisor bottom-line mentality on subordinate unethical pro-organizational behavior. Journal of Managerial Psychology (ABS 3), 2020, 35(5), 419-434. [10] Wang, H., Zhu, Y., Liang, Y., & Xie, J. Does Customer Mistreatment Hinder Employees from Going the Extra Mile? The Mixed Blessing of Being Conscientious. International Journal of Hospitality Management (ABS 3), 2022, 102: 103155. [11] Liang, Y., Wang, H., Yan, M., & Xie, J. Add fuel to the fire: investigating the relationship between leader group prototypicality and intergroup conflict. International Journal of Conflict Management, 2021, 32(4), 537-553. [12] 谢俊,储小平,职场排斥对防御性与破坏性建言的影响机制,中山大学学报(社会科学版),2018,58(3):199-208。 [13] 谢俊,汪林,史丽华,企业组织中上司排斥的诱发机理研究——来自广东企业的经验证据,广东财经大学学报,2017,154(5):93-101。 [14] 谢俊,严鸣,积极应对还是逃避?主动性人格对职场排斥与组织公民行为的影响机制,心理学报,2016,48(10):1314-1325。 [15] 谢俊,储小平,多层次导向的变革型领导对个体及团队创造力的影响机制研究,管理工程学报,2016年,30(1):161-167。 [16] 谢俊,汪林,储小平,中国情境下领导-部属交换对员工创造力的影响机制研究,管理工程学报,2014,28(2):1-7。 [17] 谢俊,汪林,授权型领导、主管信任与知识型员工任务行为——基于问卷调查的实证研究,南方经济,2014,32(1):77-88。 [18] 谢俊,汪林,储小平,关系视角的经理人反馈寻求行为:心理预期和政治技能的影响,南开管理评论,2013,16(4):4-12。 [19] 谢俊,汪林,储小平,黄嘉欣,组织公正视角下的员工创造力形成机制及心理授权的中介作用,管理学报,2013,10(2):206-212。 [20] 谢俊,储小平,汪林,效忠主管与员工工作绩效:反馈寻求行为和权力距离的影响,南开管理评论,2012,15(2):31-38。 [21] 谢俊,储小平,黄嘉欣,主管忠诚、上下级冲突与员工工作态度——基于本土家族企业的实证研究,经济管理,2011,33(1):74-82。 [22] 陈戈,陆冠文,谢俊(通讯作者),情绪耗竭对建言行为的U型影响——内在动机的调节作用,心理科学,2020,(3):689-696。 [23] 储小平,谢俊(通讯作者),威权领导对经理人反馈寻求行为的影响机制——来自本土家族企业的经验证据,中山大学学报,2012,52(4):200-208。 |