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刘淑敏 讲师


姓名: 刘淑敏






博士:韩国仁荷大学 物流学博士

硕士:韩国仁荷大学 经济学硕士

本科:烟台大学 文学学士


2015 年 8 月 ~ 至今,广东外语外贸大学商学院(中国广州)

2009 年 8 月 ~ 2011 年 8 月,企业的国际采购与贸易业务(韩国首尔)



· Turning motivation into action: A strategic orientation model for green supply chain management, Business Strategy and The Environment (SSCI, ABS3*), 2020,29(7), 2908-2918.

· Manufacturers’ closed-loop orientation for green supply chain management, Sustainability (SSCI), 2017, 9, 222-250.

· Cruise travelers’ satisfaction at a port of call, Maritime Policy & Management (SSCI), 2016, 43, 484-494.

· Economic impact of cruise industry using regional input-output analysis: a case study of Incheon, Maritime Policy & Management (SSCI), 2016, 43, 1-18.


· The drivers of supply chain collaboration on eco-innovation: the moderating role of institutional support, 2019 年中国留韩经济管理年会, Guilin, China.

· The antecedents of supply chain collaboration on eco-innovation: an institutional and contingency theory, 8th Annual Australasian Business Ethics Network (ABEN) Conference 2018, Auckland, New Zealand.

· The antecedents and consequences of green supply chain management: Empirical evidence from China, Second Joint Symposium organized by The Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Research Hub- A collaboration between Massey University and GDUFS, 2018, Auckland, New Zealand.

· To enable supply chain collaboration on eco-innovation- a conceptual model, 第13届中日管理论坛,2018, Shanghai.

· Green supply chain management in China: A strategic orientation, The 12th International Congress on Logistics and SCM systems (ICLS 2017), Beijing.

· Closed-Loop Orientation and Performance, Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

· Closed loop orientation for green supply chain management, International Conference on Research Trends of International Trade and Transport Logistics, 2014, Incheon, Korea.

· Economic impact of cruise industry using regional input-output analysis: a case of Incheon, Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, 2014, Norfolk, United States.

· Conceptual framework of Closed-loop orientation in the context of Green Supply Chain Management, 7th International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports, 2014, Hong Kong, China.


· 环保规制对绿色供应链管理影响的实证研究--基于企业家精神与资源承诺的中介作用(GD17XGL25),广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划一般项目,主持,已结项。

· 市场压力对企业绿色供应链管理创新的驱动效应- 资源承诺的中介作用(2018GZGJ41),广州市哲学社会科学发展“十三五”规划项目,主持,已结项(优秀)。



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